
Christmas Goodies!

My husband LOVES dessert.  When I first met him he told me he couldn't eat a meal without a dessert.  Thank goodness I love to bake, and have a sweet tooth!  With the holiday's approaching we decided to start making our Christmas cookies/desserts last weekend.  Most of the time you can't get all your baking done within a day, you have to let things chill, let cookies cool and make sure you always have enough space.  I have spread mine out over the past week, with baking buckeyes, oreo truffles, sugar cookies, peanut blossoms, etc. and want to share a yummy and SUPER easy recipe with you-pretzel treats! 

I used almond bark for this because it gives it a smoother texture and is easier to melt but you can use melted chocolate chips.  Melting chocolate is like an art, one I was never good without a lot of practice.  I took a smaller pan and melted small amounts of bark at a time.  This way it fit in my accent decorator I got as a gift from Pampered Chef (this thing is awesome!) and it takes less time to melt (I'm impatient). 

I then wanted to make sure I had all my pretzels spread out so it was easy for me to fill the holes and I didn't want the chocolate to harden by the time I got done. 

This is the accent decorator I got from pampered chef.  I used the smallest tip I had and it worked perfect!

Sorry I don't have a picture of just the chocolate, I wanted to make sure I put the M&M's on the top before it hardened. 

Here is the final product!  I love these because you can put M&M's, Hershey's kisses, peanut butter (my husbands idea), butterscotch chips, the list is endless! They are the perfect size for just a small amount of sweet or salty treat!  Enjoy!

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