
Happy 1st Anniversary to my husband!

This past weekend Matthew and I got to celebrate our anniversary on the Plaza in Kansas City.  It was a get away and the best thing about it was I got to shop, dine & enjoy the weather with my best friend.  Here's a recap of the best year I've ever had!  

Over the past few weeks I've been thinking back to just how great this year has been.  Some people say your first year of marriage is the hardest but for us it's been a year of laughs, a few disagreements and the joys of making memories together.  

We started our year off with our honeymoon, then moving into our townhome and Matthew running his 1st Dam to Dam.  I was probably the proudest I have ever been of him on that day.  It was incredible to see him train, tell me he can't go any further then almost beat me that day!  We enjoyed the summer together and then I got the opportunity to move jobs and work in Children's Ministry at our church as a special events coordinator.  It is my dream job, I get to work in a great environment and plan events.  I couldn't have done it without the amazing support of Matthew.  

I could go on and on about this past year of marriage but here are just a few things I've learned while being married.  

1.  God is first- we have never let that slip from our marriage.  A few months ago our pastor mentioned some statistics that shocked me.  The average divorce rate now is over 50% but the divorce rate in couples who have their faith built on God is less than 5%. God is our rock and we strive to make each other better followers and to share the love of God with the people around us. The way we act and treat each other comes solely from our our relationship is with God.  We have also found a small group with other younger married couples which is an awesome blessing!

2.  I did not marry a perfect man and I don't have a perfect marriage.   Marriage is a hard job, but it is so rewarding and is completely worth it! 

3.  Support your spouse.  Matthew was incredibly supportive of be changing jobs and that has always stuck with me.  I am his number 1 fan, whether it be watching him play sports, buying bike gear, or letting him do the things he enjoys.  I have hobbies of DIY projects and making our house feel homey, Matthew not only supports me in it but he also helps my vision come to light.  Matthew's hobby is smoking cigars and biking.  Although I hate the smell of cigar smoke I don't complain when he spends time with his dad or the guys smoking them (as long as it's not with my living room windows open!!!!)  

4.  Develop a routine, but be spontaneous.  We have developed a routine to help us get through the week.  Matthew works longer hours than I do so we both find time to go the gym, or run together outside.  I always have supper cooked for him (it's my passion) and he let's me sleep in during the week.  We also have spontaneous nights,  Orange Leaf is our weakness!

5.  Show your love for each other.  When Matthew and I started dating we read the 5 Love Languages so we both know what our love languages are of each other.  They are very different but we also show each other our love in very real ways. 

Here are just a few of my favorite wedding pictures and a few of our pictures from this past year!  I am such a blessed woman and can't wait to see what God  has in store for us in this year!  

1 comment:

  1. We have been so very blessed to have Matthew come into our lives. I know I am biased because I am your mother, but watching you grow from a young girl into a teenager and then a woman was hard for me although I enjoyed watching you grow. When I realized that your dream man had finally come along, I knew God had answered your (and our) prayers. I love you both so very much, more than you'll ever know. I can't wait to watch you both continue to grow and see what your lives become. You are truly a great match and are perfect for each other. (NEVER FORGET-MOM LOVES YOU)
