
Rustic Wood Sign

God has granted my grandpa with the gift of wood working.  He receives requests from people at a faster pace he can build items.  Let's just say, family is last on his list :)  

He continually has wood he isn't using and I am snatching it up to make wood signs! 

I chose to use pallets for this project but for future projects I will use the wood from my grandpa.  Matthew and a friend used a saw-zaw to take the pallets apart, which left the nails.  When using a saw-zaw you won't be able to remove the nails in the wood, but I felt it gave it a rustic feel so I kept them. 

I chose this piece to go up the railing of our stairs but after setting it there for a few days I realized it would be perfect for our bedroom.  If you are ever needing a great "love" scripture open up the book of Solomon.  It is filled with love! 

I used black paint for my piece but it can be done in any color.  The background is an off white, to resemble more of a rustic feel.  

If you'd like to purchase your own custom wall hanging head on over to my Etsy store or email me! 

1 comment:

  1. Rustic Wood sign Fall home decor wedding fall decor Reclaimed wood hand ...
    Repurposed Wood Wedding Sign and picture frame. personalized wood cabin signs
