
DIY Dresser to TV Stand

For the past 4-5 months Matthew and I have been searching every garage sale and ad listing to find the perfect dresser for a new TV stand.  I usually come up with the DIY projects and we tackle the project as husband and wife together.  However, this project was Matthew's idea and I am very excited to share it with you today on the blog! 

I first want to say I didn't take as many pictures as usual for this post because, as you can see, there are many different ways you can refinish a dresser to a tv stand.  Not every dresser is the same, so be creative and find what you like  best.  

We started our search with some inspiration from Pinterest.  Matthew found multiple DIY projects from other bloggers and decided to take bits and pieces from each project to make our own. Here are a few of our inspirations.  

 This House, Our Home Blog 

We liked this blog because we wanted to keep the top the same color but I really wanted a white stand. 

 Sweet Pickins Furniture Blog

I liked the idea of using baskets as well, but once we found our dresser I decided to keep the drawers inside.  As our life changes and we move to a different home, maybe I will change my mind and find baskets I like. 

Joshua & Rachel Conatser Bog

I really liked this picture and this was where we found most of our inspiration.  

I purchased the dresser at an online estate sale for $54.00.  Here is what the dresser looked like before. 

I was drawn to the dresser because the stain on it matched the coffee table and end tables we have in our living room.  Once we purchased the dresser we saw someone had already redone all the drawers, making them very sturdy and all wood. 

Because the top drawers weren't wide enough for our cable box and dvd player Matthew took them out and moved the 2 centerpieces to widen the middle.  He cut them out then placed them in their new positions with wood glue and a few clamps. 

Once that was complete he inserted wood to hold the cable box, DVD player and XBOX.  We drilled holes through the back of the dresser for all our cords. 

We went to Menards and purchased these knobs for $.99 a piece.  I was overwhelmed by how many different choices there were and how expensive they can be.  Because we needed 12 we wanted to keep the cost down and I felt these wouldn't take away from the stand itself. 

Because the knobs we had before had 2 holes we had to use wood filler to fill in the holes and drill new ones.  I didn't take a picture of this process because I was the one doing it!  Wood filler is very simple.  You fill the hole, wait for it to dry and then sand it down.  

Once the holes were filled I painted the stand an off white.  I had some tan paint at home but didn't want to go buy a whole gallon of white paint.  I went to Home Depot and just so happened to find white paint on their mismatched clearance section for $2.50.  I love a good steal!  
I painted the stand with a couple coats of paint, put on the new knobs and this dresser was ready to go.  We really do love weekend projects with each other, and this one might be one of my favorite!  

Here is a breakdown of cost for this project: 

Dresser: $54
Paint: $2.50 (hand some on hand)
Knobs: 12 ($.99/each)
Wood filler: $3 
Wood to support console: $6

Total:  $77.50

Happy DIY Friday!!! 


  1. It's beautiful, thanks for the great tutorial.

  2. Hello, please correct the source link of your second photo to thank you.
