
Homemade Doggy Treats!

This week we are dog sitting my sisters 3 month old golden lab....She is so precious!  Even when she's naughty she's still precious.  Deanna (my sister) made her homemade treats but I forgot one bag while I was visiting my mom, so I decided to make my own for her... She loves them so much, I even taught her a new trick with it!

I wanted to make a treat that had peanut butter in it, because I know she loves it.  I found a few different recipes and decided to combine a few...I used this jar I had burnt a candle in before...I love how cute it is and when the puppies gone I can reuse it!

First let me show you the picture of our guest for the week!

Here's the recipe.

Preheat oven: 350 degrees

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour (you can use another type of flour if your dog is sensitive to wheat)
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup peanut butter, chunky or smooth (I used smooth this time)
  • 1 1/4 cups hot water
  1. Combine dry ingredients 
  2. Mix in peanut butter and hot water
  3. If mixture is too sticky you can add more flour.  
  4. Roll out dough to 1/4 inch onto cutting board and get out your favorite cookie cutter (or I used a lid to one of my spice bottles)
  5. Place on cookie sheet and cookie 30 minutes, don't under cook the treats but also don't burn them!
  6. Let the treats cool and then place them in your favorite jar! 
Daisy loved the treats so much, she even learned how to shake with it....her mama will be so proud when she gets home! 

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