
Spring Wreath

Happy Sunday All!  It's a gross icy day in Iowa but my mind is at spring.  my favorite time of the year!  It's where I see God's presence the most, in the trees blooming, the flowers breaking through the ground, my birthday and our anniversary!  To help get me through the cold weather I decided to repurpose an old wreath my grandma had.  She didn't use it anymore and wanted something fun.  I had so much fun with this and it took me a few hours to make. 

Before we get started, here were a couple wreaths I found as inspiration: One I found on Etsy and the other I found on Pinterest

I got so excited to tear everything off of it I didn't take a picture of what it looked like before.  But, here's what the flowers were that were on it.....out dated..

After I pulled all the flowers off, here was the wreath.  It was perfect to do anything you wanted with!  

  • I had burlap at home and wanted to use this to decorate the outside of the wreath.  If you'd like you can use any kind of thick ribbon, or leave it plain.  I used burlap because this wreath was a little worn and I wanted it to be covered.  I wasn't able to take pictures but I cut the burlap into large sections so I didn't have multiple layers (I tried wrapping it with smaller sections and wasn't thrilled).  I connected it to the wreath by using hot glue.

  • I went to Michaels and purchased 3 ranunculus flowers, which were $4/piece.  They are one of my favorite flowers!  I like them because they are small but still have a lot of body.  
  •  I was debating on using the ranunculus or a hydrangea.  I would choose a hydrangea for my next wreath if I didn't wrap it in burlap.
  • I love green/dark purple and white together, which was perfect because my grandma loves the color purple.  I purchased a few filler flowers for the sides for a couple dollars.  

While I was at Michael's I purchased a monogram "B" to go on the opposite side as the flower.  I was going to attach their house number but really like the feel of the monogram.  And, if my grandma decides she wants a different kind of wreath, our last name just so happens to start with a "B" as well! 

I tied mine with a piece of black ribbon, because I had it sitting at home.  You can tie yours with any color you'd like.  

This wreath cost me a total of 16 dollars!  I had a 15% off coupon at Michaels, already had the burlap and hot glue at home.  I'm so excited this wreath went so well together, I'm going to make myself one!  Here's another picture of the final product!

Here are some other wreaths I love and will take for inspiration for my next project!

Spring Wreath, Mini Tulip Spring Wreath, 20 inch, Custom Colors, Spring Decor, Easter Wreath, Valentine's Day Wreath, Large Tulip WreathSpring Wreath - Easter Wreath - Egg WreathHydrangea Wreath- Green Hydrangea Wreath Satin Ribbon- Spring Wreath- Girls Room Decor- Wall Art- Hydrangea Door Wedding Wreathhttp://media-cache-lt0.pinterest.com/upload/50735933272151736_U2DbbDUd.jpgspring wreathchartreuse modern wreath - lime painted newspaper - large 22 inch newspaper rosette and leaf

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