
Jewelry Holder

Hi all you jewelry lovers out there!

On my last post I showed you how we made a DIY headboard for $3.00!  That same day, while Matthew had out all his tools we also made a jewelry holder for my necklaces.  Right now, while we are renting we don't have the option to tear our walls to make our closet larger so we are being creative in organizing and saving space.  Last mother's day I made my mom a necklace holder similar, because hers was beyond hope.  That was my inspiration for mine....Enjoy!


Vintage Headboard- $3!

Happy Sunday bloggers! 

This past weekend Matthew and I finally had the time to accomplish a headboard for our guest bedroom.  I have been waiting for a long time to find something that was different and vintage.  I wanted something cost efficient but wasn't so large I couldn't decorate around it.  I hope you enjoy our weekend project!