
Vintage Headboard- $3!

Happy Sunday bloggers! 

This past weekend Matthew and I finally had the time to accomplish a headboard for our guest bedroom.  I have been waiting for a long time to find something that was different and vintage.  I wanted something cost efficient but wasn't so large I couldn't decorate around it.  I hope you enjoy our weekend project!

I first had the inspiration from the two pictures below I found on Pinterest.  I love both but I really wanted something vintage and white to balance our the grey we have in that room.

I first asked my grandpa for some old wood he didn't need for his wood working shop.  I knew he wouldn't use the wood that had knots, holes and cracks in it.  Matthew and I took 5 boards home with us for $0.00!  You can find wood people are throwing away all the time, or go to your local Home Depot or Menards and ask if they have any wood that is too bad to sell.

We then measured the bed, our bed was 57" long so we measured our wood to be that length.  We had 5 pieces of wood that were anywhere from 4-8" long.  I first wanted the wood to be different lengths so it had a more rustic feel to it but I really like this look as well.

After we cut the wood down to size I started painting with a light ivory color paint I purchased at the store.  My idea was to paint them white all over, then take a piece of sandpaper and sand it down to make it look vintage.  I started with a little bit of white paint and found I could make the vintage look without painting the wood fully.  I simple paint it lightly and made more areas thicker than others.

Once the paint was dry we measured the wood starting from the bottom of the mattress and worked our way up.  I don't necessarily recommend you nail it to the wall with a nail gun, but we did.  Our other option was to buy hooks for each board and hook it to the wall.  You can purchase the hanger here.  If we purchased the mounts we would have need 5 of them, adding up to $35.00, so we decided to nail it to the wall instead.  

Once we nailed the first board to the wall we gave it a little bit of space before placing another one so you could see a visible amount of the wall in between each board.

After everything was said and done we have about $3.00 of paint in the headboard and a few hours of our Saturday invested into it.  I am now extremely excited to purchase some great pieces to hang above and beside the bed.  If you've made a headboard for reasonably priced share your story with me! 


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