
Jewelry Holder

Hi all you jewelry lovers out there!

On my last post I showed you how we made a DIY headboard for $3.00!  That same day, while Matthew had out all his tools we also made a jewelry holder for my necklaces.  Right now, while we are renting we don't have the option to tear our walls to make our closet larger so we are being creative in organizing and saving space.  Last mother's day I made my mom a necklace holder similar, because hers was beyond hope.  That was my inspiration for mine....Enjoy!

I took a piece of 1x4 wood I had left over from my other project and had Matthew cut it down to 24".  We took 5 knobs and spaced them out every 4" to give them enough space the board wasn't too large.   

After Matthew cut it down I painted it exactly how I did the headboard. I wanted it to have a vintage feel and wanted to match with the pastel knobs I bought.

I purchased the knobs at Hobby Lobby.  They ranged from $2.99-$3.99 but when I went they were all 50% off!  Even if they don't have a sale on them when you go, never forget to use your smart phone and bring up a coupon from their website!  Hobby Lobby has a great selection of any type of knobs you would want.  I love going their and browsing through their selection.  I had a total of $9.00 in the knobs, which was my only cost for this project. 

When purchasing them make sure you buy a few knobs that are larger so they stand away from the board far enough you can hang multiple necklaces on them.  I purchased 2 large ones and 3 regular size for my smaller necklaces.

I had Matthew grind off the knobs on the back of the wood to make it flesh to the wood. Unfortunately, my wood was too thin so he had to inset the washer into the wood and grind the knobs even further.  He looked pretty manly doing it!

I have so much more room for my jewelry now, which means I can purchase even more! :) 

You can use anything to holder your necklaces and it doesn't have to be expensive.  Be creative and use your personality, and as always, use Pinterest as a source!

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